Confidential STI/STD tests in Victoria BC
Anyone who has sexual contact is at risk for catching a sexually transmitted infection (STI, also called STD).
“Call us”:/about/appointments/ to take advantage of our sexual health services. We offer:
* Confidential STI tests in Victoria, BC
* Infection treatment and support
* Everything you need to know about “protecting yourself”:/sex-safety/
* Condoms and other supplies for “safer sex”:/sex-safety/
h3. More about STI tests
* “When to get tested”:#when
* “What happens at an STI test”:#test-types
* “Details about different infections”:#infections
h3(#when). When to get STI tests
We recommend that everyone get tested for sexually transmitted infections:
* whenever you have a new partner (we encourage both partners to come in for testing)
* with your “annual check up”:/exams/ unless you prefer to decline based on low risk (i.e. in a long-term relationship that you are certain is mutually exclusive)
* if ever you have symptoms such as sores, abnormal discharge, mid-cycle bleeding or discomfort. Remember that *many infections do not produce symptoms*.
“Make an appointment”:/about/appointments/ to get tested.
h3(#test-types). What happens when I get tested?
*All our testing services are confidential*. We offer non-nominal (no name required) tests for HIV.
For females, complete STI testing includes:
* vaginal swabs for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis (urine tests can be done for some of these, but swabs are more accurate for females)
* blood sample for hepatitis, syphilis, and HIV
* swabs of any active sores
For males, complete STI testing includes:
* urine sample for chlamydia and gonorrhea ( *Urethral swabs are no longer necessary*)
* blood sample for hepatitis, syphilis, and HIV
* swabs of any active sores or discharge
h3(#infections). Learn about different STIs
* “Chlamydia”:/infections/chlamydia/
* “Crabs”:/infections/crabs/ (pubic lice) and scabies
* “Genital herpes”:/infections/herpes/ (Herpes Simplex Virus, HSV)
* “Human Papilloma Virus”:/infections/genital-warts/ (HPV, genital warts)
* “Gonorrhea”:/infections/gonorrhea/
* “Hepatitis”:/infections/hepatitis/
* “HIV/AIDS”:/infections/hiv-aids/ (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
* “Pelvic inflammatory disease”:/infections/pid/ (PID)
* “Syphilis”:/infections/syphilis/
* “Trichomoniasis”:/infections/trichomoniasis/ (“Trich”)
h4. Non-STI infections
We also provide testing and treatment for these common infections.
* “Yeast”:/infections/yeast/
* “Bacterial Vaginosis or BV”:/infections/bacterial-vaginosis/