HPV Vaccine is here!

It’s a medical breakthrough!
We now know that 99.7% of cervical cancer is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) and we now have a vaccine that protects against “HPV”:/infections/genital-warts/! The new HPV vaccine, called “Gardasil”:/infections/genital-warts/, is now available and *you can get it right here at our Island Sexual Health Clinic*. Many doctors’ offices, medical clinics and drug stores also provide this vaccine and you don’t need a prescription to get it.

The “Gardasil”:/infections/genital-warts/ vaccine is a series of 3 doses which are given at 0, 2 and 6 months and is indicated for females aged 9-26. Ideally it is given to a woman before she becomes sexually active, but it can still provide protection to those who are already sexually active.

Our Fort St clinic stocks Gardasil and we sell it for $138.00 per dose. Although it is expensive, and not yet covered by “public health” in BC, *many private health insurance plans cover it.* For example, Green Shield, the plan for UVIC students, covers 80% of the vaccine cost. Additionally, *there are a lot of parents who are happy to fund this vaccine to protect their daughters from cervical cancer.*

“Gardasil”:/infections/genital-warts/ protects against 4 types of “HPV”:infections/genital-warts/, the 2 types that cause genital warts and the 2 types that cause most of the cervical cancer. “HPV”:/infections/genital-warts/ is now the most common sexually transmitted infection world wide and it can be transmitted just through genital skin contact (penetration is not necessary). This vaccine is highly recommended by the Society of Obstetrics and Gynecologists of Canada. Check out their website:
Also, see a statement from the “Public Health Agency of Canada”:http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/media/cpho-acsp/hpv-vaccine070817_e.html

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