Peer Sexual Health Education Training

ISHS is pleased to announce our newest education training program, Peer Education Training

Island Sexual Health’s Peer Training provides students in educator supported peer helper/leadership/youth programs with specialized training in issues connected to sexual health and decision making. The training has been developed with the input of several local and national peer helping programs specializing in sexual health education for youth. The intent of the training is to provide youth with accurate and relevant sexual health information that will support them in their existing roles as peer helpers in their school communities.

Sessions are designed to build upon the students’ peer helper knowledge and help students further develop their skills for education, referral, and support.

This year, thanks to the generous support of _Coast Capital Savings_ and the _BC Gaming Commission – Direct Access_, we are able to offer the training to *10* school groups (for students in grades 9-University) within the Greater Victoria Area at no cost to their school. Due to the limited number of training spots available, we will be accepting applications on a first come first serve basis.

Training is divided into 3 sessions. The first 2 sessions are delivered within 1-3 weeks of each other and the third session is delivered approximately 2 months later. Between the 2nd and 3rd session, with the support of ISHS, participating groups are encouraged to develop and deliver a sexual health awareness raising activity for their school community. All sessions combine facilitated discussion, group work, and individual exercises. Energy food and training materials are provided.

Please contact Jennifer at (250) 592-3479 (204) or email “”:mailto: for more information on the training opportunity.

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