Pregnancy and parenting

Making the decision to be a parent is a huge one and there are many avenues to explore.

* Am I ready to take on the responsiblity of being a parent?
* Will I have support?
* How will this impact my life?

Talking to a counsellor can help you explore this option fully, and identify programs available in your area that can assist you.

If you are in school, your school counsellor may be a good resource, or call our office to set up a time to meet with one of our trained counsellors.

Make sure whomever you talk to is non-judgemental and offers you equal information on all of your options.

In Victoria, we are lucky enough to have fabulous resources for young parents. Click on the links below to find out more information.
Young Parent Support Network or 250-384-0552

The Young Parent Outreach Program or 250-995-6421

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