Take our Youth Website Survey. Please? We’ll be grateful.

We have great news! We won thenumber creative’s  website contest! This means we are lucky enough to have a youth based website developed for us at no charge. This is a HUGE gift to us – we’ve been dreaming of this for years. And who doesn’t like to have a dream come true?  The new youth based website will be a compliment to this website but  aimed to younger users. To make sure we make the site as accessible and youth cool as possible, we have created a short online survey that will help us find out what youth want in a site. Please take our survey and help us make the best site for youth possible! The pay off for you? We wish we had something exciting and fun to offer you in exchange but you’ll be helping other youth and a non-profit. And that’s exciting and fun in itself! You can join inon the fun until March 31st. Thanks (x1000) for your help.

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