Alesse Advisory Follow up

Important Follow up to the Alesse Advisory of December 2nd, 2018:

Products affected involved packages from the following lots but it is not known whether the issues is isolated to these lots:
ALESSE 21 (DIN 02236974) Lot A2532, exp. Aug 2018
ALESSE 28 (DIN 02236975) Lot A3183, exp. April 2019.

*You’ll find the lot number stamped on the pink foil pill package itself and also on sealing flaps on the end of the outer cardboard pkgs*

Please feel free to contact us 250-592-3479 with any questions and, as always, please use a backup method such as condoms to add pregnancy protection especially when there’s a concern about product effectiveness. Condoms also help to reduce the risk of many STIs.

We are following Health Canada’s guidelines:
They recommend that Alesse users:
-Check your pills before and after taking them out of the blister package. Do not consume a pill if it looks unusual. Examine both sides of each pill thoroughly for anything unusual before taking it (such as, a different (paler) colour, jagged edges, or the pill is broken or smaller than normal). It may not be immediately obvious from looking at the blister package that there is a problem with the pills, as the underside of the pill cannot be seen while in the blister pack.
-If you have a package with an unusual pill, return it to your pharmacy for a replacement package.
-Do not stop taking your birth control pills as this may result in pregnancy. If you have questions or concerns about your birth control product, talk to a health care professional, including about alternatives. Talk to a health care professional if you have any questions or concerns about your birth control product.
-Report adverse events to health products to Health Canada by calling toll-free at 1-866-234-2345, or by reporting online, by mail or by fax.
-Report complaints about health products to Health Canada by calling toll-free at 1-800-267-9675, or complete an online complaint form.

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