Community Resource Directory
Island Sexual Health’s Community Resources Directory is now live!
The ISH Community Resource Directory is designed to assist you in locating community resources. We hope that this Directory will increase knowledge and access of organizations that provide support in addressing needs such as advocacy, food accessibility, housing, employment, community connection, and more.
Please click here to be redirected to our Google Documents:
Our Community Resource Directory was designed for the CACHC Systems Navigator Access and Partnership (SNAP) Project, a national research project aimed at supporting scale-up of access to systems navigation support at Community Health Centres across Canada. Our hope is that this resource will increase knowledge and access of organizations that provide valuable support services both locally and provincially. To access more information on the SNAP project please click here.
Offering feedback on our systems navigation resources will support Island Sexual Health staff in delivering inclusive and accessible services that meet the needs of the communities that we serve. Additionally, your feedback will support recommendations for future public policy directions in client/systems navigation.
We have created a survey to collect demographic information, feedback, and recommendations for our Community Resource Directory. To access this survey, please click here. Offering your feedback in this survey will enter you into a draw for a $50 grocery gift card. You may indicate on the survey if you would like to be contacted to discuss the project in greater detail via Zoom conference or focus group (further compensation to be provided).
Our intention is that this document will be a living resource for our community to use for years to come. If you come across any broken links while using our Community Resource Directory, or if you would like to recommend a resource to be added, please use the form linked here.