Breaking Down Barriers Education Program
Breaking Down Barriers is sexuality education programming directed towards participants who encounter barriers to typical sexual health education. Breaking Down Barriers usually fits within an existing host program as a specialized topic and is held over single or double sessions. We believe that every person deserves the right to receive factual, accurate and comfortable access to sexuality information. This program works within the framework of our existing education focuses but is often presented in a more relaxed and flexible setting based on the needs of the participants and the host program.

Tailored programming
We tailor the workshops to meet the needs of participants whether they are youth in recovery, young parents in a supported education programming, moms with newly birthed babies, or community support workers.
The goal of the program is to provide relevant and accurate sexual health information and local resources which participants will be able to use to enhance their personal skills around sexual health. Because the program has been generously funded through Provincial Employees Community Services Fund, United Way Greater Victoria and Victoria Foundation, we are able to waive our usual honorarium requests. Email Jennifer to discuss the program in more detail. If you wish to donate specifically to the Breaking Down Barrier, you can do so through the secure Canada Helps page.
Funding partners: