
If you are pregnant and you are not ready to have a baby, abortion is one option to consider.

We offer abortion information in Greater Victoria, BC. “Make an appointment”:/about/appointments/ to speak to one of our trained educators.

Many people have strong feelings about abortion and consequently there is a lot of misinformation about it.

It is important to find out the facts before you make your decision. If you want more information or pro-choice support call Pregnancy Options Service at 1-888-875-3163

Here in British Columbia:

* You can have an abortion at any age, provided the physician determines that you understand the risks and benefits of this decision.
* Most or all of the cost of an abortion is covered by the Medical Services Plan in BC. Medication costs will be extra.
* Abortion services are completely confidential.

In Victoria,

* You can get an abortion up to 20 weeks into your pregnancy.
* “Vancouver Island Women’s Clinic”:http://www.viwomensclinic.ca/ has further information.

In Vancouver,
* You can contact the CARE program at 604-875-2022 or Toll Free 1-888-300-3088 ext. 2022
* “CARE Program”:http://www.bcwomens.ca/care

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