ISHS Youth Health Poster
Several years ago, youth focus groups were held to identify gaps in accessing local health-based education, resources and services. The feedback was predominantly focused on the need to gather heath-based information in a private way.
Our Youth Committee researched, brainstormed, and monitored the design and content of the poster. The goal of this project is to break down barriers youth face in accessing local health services as identified by youth!
**Please note that the posters have not been updated and printed since September 2016** We are hoping to have a re-print of this information in Fall 2021. Please keep checking back for an update version.
Below, you will find the most current contact information for each listing. If you have additions/corrections, please connect with us and we’ll gratefully update it.
“Get Connected” Poster
Poster Contacts in alphabetical order (listing below updated May 2021)
AVI Health & Community Services works to improve the lives of people living with HIV or AIDS and to prevent more individuals from becoming infected with the virus. The Positive Wellness Program is designed for people who are HIV+ and/or hepatitis C+. Programming includes:
- Short-term, solution-focused counseling for PWP members, their families and friends (by appointment and on a drop-in basis)
- Advocacy and support with issues regarding income assistance, health care, employment, housing, and legal matters
- Support around social, emotional and practical needs, including up-to-date information about disease management, harm reduction, safer sex, and health and wellness promotion
- Referrals to appropriate community resources, professionals, agencies and institutions
- Persons With Disability status application assessment and assistance
BC Mental Health Information Line 310-6789 BC Mental Health and Information Line is a province wide line. Answered 24/7/365 it provides empowering emotional support, information on appropriate referral options and a wide range of support relating to mental health concerns.
Belmont Secondary Wellness Centre 250-519-3580 The Belmont Secondary Wellness Centre is open to students currently enrolled in SD 62 and operates on a drop-in basis with mental, physical and sexual health services available to students. All services are provided in a private and comfortable space.
Child and Youth Mental Health Victoria Child and Youth Mental Health Victoria provides tons of resources including a self-help guide for teens with mild or moderate depression. They also have resource lists on anxiety, behaviour problems, mood problems and depression.
Child & Youth Mental Health Westshore BC’s social services database can connect young folks with resources in their communities related to mental health. The website provides many different links to services such as cultural resources, LGBTQIA resources, health resources, crisis intervention, etc. Their Westshore location provides mental health services like consultation, assessment, play therapy, and family therapy.
Island Sexual Health Society 250-592-3479 Island Sexual Health Society offers pro-choice and comprehensive sexual health clinics and education programs for all genders, orientations, identities, abilities, and ages in Greater Victoria. Services are confidential and include:
- Sexually Transmitted Infection prevention (PrEP), testing, treatment, management, vaccination and support
- Pap, pelvic, genital and testicular exams
- Affordable Birth/Bleed Control
- IUD insertions (including emergency contraceptive inserts)
- Gender Affirming Care (Assessment and Surgical Referrals for 16+ years and support and affirming apparel for all ages)
- Pregnancy Testing and Supported Decision Making
- Emergency Contraception (including IUD inserts)
- Free Condoms and Lube
- Education and Information
Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868 or via Text at 686868 Canada’s only 24/7 free confidential counseling service for youth 20 & under. They can help you around such topics as family life, bullying, sexual orientation, dating, school, etc.
Victoria Child Abuse Prevention and Counselling Centre aka Mary Manning Centre 250-385-6111 Child Abuse Prevention and Counseling The Child Abuse Prevention and Counseling Society (CAPCS) through the Mary Manning Centre is the primary provider of therapy and victim services for children and youth in Greater Victoria who have experienced abuse. Counseling and support is offered to the child or children who were abused and all family members affected by the abuse.
MCFD Eating Disorders Program 250-387-0000 The MCFD Eating Disorders Program provides treatment for children, youth, and adults who have been assessed as having anorexia nervosa and/or bulimia nervosa. Individual, family, and group therapy is offered to clients and family members. The program is composed of a multidisciplinary team as well and offers education and a resource library.
Pacific Family Resource Services Association 1-866-478-8357 PCFSA enhances and promotes the quality and dignity of life of individuals and families in the communities they work with. They offer several youth-based services such as:
- Community outreach prevention and education to youth 5-18
- Youthtalk email counseling for youth
- Parent/Teen counseling and meditation
- Youth and Child counseling and Expressive therapy program
Representative for Children and Youth Kids Helpline 250-310-1234 This is the number to phone if you think that a child is in danger and requires protection, it’s also a good number to let your guardians know about.
Sooke Aboriginal Child and Youth Mental Health 250-642-7748 Assists Aboriginal youth in the Sooke area to connect with health resources that are culturally relevant and accessible.
Umbrella Society 250-380-0595 is a Vancouver Island based organization that actively promotes understanding, acceptance and support for people affected by addiction and mental health issues through advocacy, education and other assistance. They offer “system navigation” services to help people navigate all of the available service out there, and family support is available.
Vancouver Island Crisis Line 1-888-494-3888 Vancouver Island Crisis Line is for people in emotional crisis, including suicide and mental health issues.
Vancouver Island Youth and Family Substance Use Services A listing by region of services providers for youth and families dealing with substance use
Vancouver Island Women’s Clinic The Vancouver Island Women’s Clinic offers a range of services including medical and surgical abortions, IUD insertions and endometrial biopsies. Nursing staff are fully trained in birth control education, IV sedation, CPR, and some have specialty training in counseling as well as PAP/ STI testing and treatment.
Victoria Aboriginal Child and Youth Mental Health 250-952-4141 The Victoria Aboriginal Child and Youth Mental Health offers the same services as its Sooke counterpart but is geared for youth living in the Victoria area. It also helps aboriginal youth connect with health resources that are culturally relevant and accessible.
Victoria Cool Aid Society Health Centre The Victoria Cool Aid Society provides a wide range of programs including supported housing, community health and dental services, emergency shelter, mental health and employment services. Cool Aid focuses its services for people who are homeless and are in need of help.
Victoria Native Friendship Centre Youth Addictions team The Friendship Centre provides one-on-one addictions counselling during all stages of change, elder mentorship through the journey, and a health clinic at the centre.
Victoria Youth Clinic 250-383-3552 The Victoria Youth Clinic is now part of The Foundry a not-for-profit confidential and free health care service for youth 12 to 24 years. A doctor, clinical nurse, counselor, psychiatrist, outreach worker and manager are on staff. The clinic operates out of The Foundry location (3rd Floor 818 Douglas St beside The Noodle Box) Monday through Friday.
STI Clinic (Cook Street) 250-388-2225 The STI Clinic provides confidential services through drop in/appointment such as free HIV tests, counseling, anonymous STI (formerly known as STDs) testing, and free treatments.
VIHA Youth and Family Discovery Addictions services 250-519-5313 Using principles of respect, diversity, and cultural competance, this branch of VIHA offers consultation to help deal with complex issues that come with addiction. The website provides a broad range or services, including immediate crisis services, and out-patient programs.
Victoria Sexual Assault Centre The Victoria Sexual Assault Centre provides group and individual counseling programs; 24-hour crisis & information line; an award winning prevention and education program called Project Respect; and workshops for parents and friends. Immediate 24-hour crisis response and information is available for people of all genders impacted by sexual assault or abuse, considering suicide or wanting assistance with current child abuse.
The Y Young Moms Program 250-382-1004 The YM/WCA Young Moms program provides supportive outreach for young pregnant youth/women (ages 15-29) focused on counseling, nutrition supports, prenatal and postnatal care, life skills and stable housing. The Y Young Moms Program also offers safe, stable, affordable housing for 8 young mothers (aged 16-29) and their child under the age of 5.
Youth Empowerment Society 250-383-3514 YES provides a variety of programming ans resources including daytime drop-in centre, evening drop in centre, emergency youth shelter and life skills programs. Their goal is to connect young people to healthier opportunities, including drop-in access to counselors, supports and referrals. As well, information regarding emergency housing, drug and alcohol counseling/withdrawal management, mental health assessment/support, food/basic needs is available to everyone.
YouthSpace 778-783-0177 is a safe place to reach out when you’re going through a rough time. It’s an anonymous online crisis support network for anyone under 30 based in Victoria BC and staffed by professionals. Since 2008, youth space has been engaged with young people via live chatting, forum posting, and E-counseling support everyday.