Some resources for immediate assistance

Here are a list of numbers and websites that offer immediate support and help. For a more comprehensive listing of resources, please see our resources page.

If you have a medical issue requiring emergency care, please call 9-1-1

To speak with the BC nurses line, call 8-1-1

For Everyone

Vancouver Island Crisis Line 1-888-494-3888

Vancouver Island Crisis Line is for people in emotional crisis, including suicide and mental health issues. In addition to their 24 hour crisis line, they also offer a crisis chat in the evenings through the chat icon on their site.

Crisis Centre  1-866-661-3311

Phone line and website (adult based) is for people in the Lower Mainland in emotional crisis, including suicide and mental health issues.

Listing of BC Crisis Centres

A website that provides listings of numbers and websites for the regional crisis lines. CLABC is the provincial association representing member crisis lines from across BC. The organization is dedicated to ensuring that every person in BC has access to the needed emotional support and critical services that crisis lines provide.

BC Mental Health Information Line  310-6789

BC Mental Health and Information Line is a province wide line. Answered 24/7/365 it provides empowering emotional support, information on appropriate referral options and a wide range of support relating to mental health concerns.

Youth resources

Youth Space

Youth space is a Victoria based online resource for youth (under the age of 25) that provides live one on one chat , forums, e-counselling and an extensive online resource database.

Kids Help Phone  1-800-668-6868 or by text 686868

Kids Help Phone is a free, anonymous and confidential phone and on-line professional counselling service for youth. Big or small concerns. 24/7. 365 days a year.

Victoria Aboriginal Child and Youth Mental Health 250-952-4141

The Victoria Aboriginal Child and Youth Mental Healh offers the same services as its Sooke counterpart but is geared for youth living in the Victoria area. It also helps aboriginal youth connect with health resources that are culturally relevant and accessible.

Youth Empowerment Society Counseling and Detox

YES provides a daytime drop-in centre that connects young people to healthier opportunities, including drop-in access to counselors, supports and referrals. As well, information regarding emergency housing, drug and alcohol counseling/withdrawal management, mental health assessment/support, food/basic needs is available to everyone.

Youth in BC -1-800-suicide/1-800-784-2433

Youth in BC is an online service where BC youth can connect live, one-on-one with a crisis chat volunteer, obtain email support from professional staff, locate timely and accurate information on different issues, and connect to referral services in their own community.

For more Victoria based youth focused health resources, see our get connected poster.