Sexual Health Centre locations and hours

Victoria, Quadra Street clinic hours

#101-3960 Quadra Street *Please refer to our facebook and instagram pages for any temporary adjustment to hours.

Monday9:00am – 4:00pm
Tuesday9:00am – 4:00pm
Wednesday9:00am – 8:00pm
Thursday9:00am – 8:00pm
Friday9:00am – 4:00pm
All Statutory Holidays (and those in lieu of)CLOSED
Please note phones are only answered 9-12 and 1-4 pm Monday-Friday.

Camosun College clinic hours

Our Camosun College location will re-open on Tuesday, September 10th, 2024. We will be open Tuesdays between 9-2pm through April 22nd, 2025.

We are located on the Top Floor of Richmond House* on Lansdowne Campus – see campus map below. Any student attending Camosun (Lansdowne or Interurban) is eligible to utilize our clinic.

You can call/text 250-888-6814 on Tuesdays during clinic hours to book an appointment or to speak with a receptionist. Please note the phone line isn’t monitored outside of clinic hours.

Map of building on Camosun's lansdowne campus. Our office is located in Richmond House on the top left hand corner of the map. It is circled in Orange. One the bottom right of the picture is a legend with the building key. Richmond House listing is circled in orange.
Our clinic is located on the top floor of Richmond House noted here with the orange circle.

*Please note that this clinic is located at the top of 2 flights of stairs with no access to lift assistance. If you are a Camosun student who requires accessible clinic space, please contact our main clinic location 250-592-3479 and we will prioritize an appointment for you there.**

Testing Kit/Medication/Supply Pick Up at Quadra St.

STI Testing kit and medication pick up is accessible 9-4 pm Monday-Friday. Please note that testing kits and medication are only available to those who have been directed to access a kit from one of our clinicians.

Birth/Bleed Control is only available to pick up Mon-Fri between 12-4 pm We are closed Saturdays, Sundays and Statutory Holidays (and those in lieu of).

How to find our Quadra clinic (Open Year Round)

Our office is located on the ground floor in The Quadra Centre building across the street from the White Spot near McKenzie Avenue.  Our centre is located on the far left side of the building on the ground floor. Free 2 hr client parking is available in front of the building.

There is also a large bike rack available for client use in front of the main entrance to the building.

Suggested buses to take: