BC Day Hours
Just a reminder that our Quadra Street clinic hours will be modified over the BC Day long weekend:
- Saturday August 3rd:10 am -2 pm
- Monday August 5th: CLOSED
- Tuesday August 6th: Regular hours resume
Have a safe and happy weekend!!
Just a reminder that our Quadra Street clinic hours will be modified over the BC Day long weekend:
Have a safe and happy weekend!!
Jennifer Gibson MA, is the Coordinator of Community Education Services. She is a professional sexual health educator whose knowledge, sense of humour, enthusiasm, and comfort level give her the unique ability to make sexual health education accessible and easy to relate to.
Just a reminder that our clinics at Quadra, Tsawout and Belmont are all closed tomorrow, November 11th. Our Quadra Street location will re-open on Thursday at 9am. Our Tsawout and Belmont clinics open next Wednesday at our regular hours.
Have a look at the sexual health work we did in 2012/2013 here in Victoria!
On October 19th, a federal election will be held. Sexual rights and issues need to be included in the platforms.
We’re closed July 1st. Reopening July 2nd at 9 am for our regular hours!
Questions about homophobia, gay friends, coming out, health issues…? We’ve got answers!
As a follow up to several recent workshops we have given on HPV and the Gardasil vaccine, here is a copy of the slides as presented. “HPV.ppt”:https://www.islandsexualhealth.org/file_download/8 For more specific information on HPV and Gardasil, please feel free to contact us at 592-3479.