Cervarix vaccines available *free* for females born 1991-1993

We have just received our shipment of free Cervarix vaccines. We are participating in BC’s program that provides the Cervarix vaccine against HPV for females born 1991-1993 at no cost. Cervarix vaccine prevents nearly 100% of HPV infections dure to types 16 and 18 that cause 7/10 cases of cervical cancer. It does not provide any protection against the types of HPV that may cause genital warts. Immunize BC has more information on the vaccine and the free program for young women.

Vaccination is an important step in the prevention of HPV because HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections and according to Immunize BC:

Each year in BC:

  • 150 women will get cervical cancer and 40 will die from the disease
  • 6,000 women will develop high risk cervical changes which are pre-cancerours
  • 10,000 invasive procedures will be done to prevent pre-cancerous changes in the cervix from turning into cancer.

To book an appointment for vaccination or for more information on HPV, please contact our offices at (250) 592-3479. We will only be offering the vaccination through our Quadra Street location.





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