Yay! It’s almost Pap Awareness Week (October 23-29th)

Pap Awareness Week (PAW ’11) is a national event that takes place during the final week of October each year. Beyond raising awareness, it’s a chance for BC women of all ages who are due for a Pap test to get one.
At ISHS, we’re offering drop-in pap exams with a female nurse on:
- Thursday, October 27th from 1:30-4:40 at our Camosun location
- Friday October 28th from 9am-4pm at our Fort Street location
We know how important cervical health is and want to make it as easy as possible for you to get one. Please feel free to cotnact us at 250-592-3479 for more information. Also check our Pap information page to find out all about the cervical health!