Fort St. Open House – October 1st

Monday October 1st, 2012 – 3:30-5:00pm
#200-1770 Fort Street (corner of Fort & Ashgrove)
You’re invited to join school counselors, educators, nurses, and youth workers at our annual clinic open house.
- Clinic Tours
- Meet our staff and have your sexual health questions answered
- Find out what to expect during an appointment at our clinic
- Safer sex resources (including free safer sex pkgs and handouts)
- Pick up the soon to be released “get connected” health posters for youth – a resource poster for youth by youth that lists local health based resources
Please pre-register by contacting Jennifer (250-592-3479 x204) or Caitlyn: (250-592-3479 x205) so we have enough resources and goodies prepared. We look forward to seeing you all here!