Important update on weight and the efficacy of Emergency Contraceptive Pill.

There has been a recent update from Health Canada regarding Emergency Contraceptive Pills:
“Emergency contraceptive pills, also known as the “morning after” pill, will soon carry new warnings about reduced effectiveness in women weighing over 165 pounds.
Health Canada has asked companies to add new warnings to product packages advising that these pills are less effective in women weighing 165 to 176 pounds (75-80 kg), and are not effective in women over 176 pounds (80 kg). Women who weigh 165 pounds or more are advised to ask a health professional, such as a doctor or pharmacist, for advice on alternative methods of emergency contraception.”
The Copper IUD can be a highly effective emergency contraceptive alternative, and Island Sexual Health can provide emergency Copper IUD insertions. Please call our office for more information 250-592-3479.