Tanille Geib’s Sexuality Salon Workshop Series at ISH

3 workshop series

Fall Workshop Series with Tanille Geib

We are thrilled to co-host Tanille Geib’s Sexuality Salon Workshop Series, Fall 2016. It has long been a goal of ISH as a centre for sexual health to offer wellness enhancing, personal literacy, and sex positive workshops with community partners. This fall we are co-hosting a series of 3 workshops: Self, Pleasure, Body Image and Consent.

Sexuality Salon ISHS Self PleasureSelf Pleasure

Come delve in to a well rounded version of your own self pleasure. For this two-hour workshop you will be cultivating what it means to connect with self care, pleasure and awareness around your honesty.

Date: Thursday September 22, 2016 @6:30pm-8:30pm



Body Image -Sexuality Salon ISHS Body Image

How do we get from a society that makes us feel inadequate about our bodies to a place of celebration?! In this workshop Tanille will take you on a journey of critical thinking, acceptance, and forward motion into celebration on the able, beautiful bodies we have.

Date: Thursday October 13, 2016 @ 6:30pm-8:30pm

Register here


Sexuality Salon ISHS ConsentConsent

Come learn the in-depths of what clear consent looks like. Consent on the dance floor all the way to a long term relationship. What does healthy consent feel like? How can we use it in a fun, sexy way? Come learn the spunky side of consent to have more meaningful connections in your life.
Date: Thursday November 17, 2016 @ 6:30pm-8:30pm

Register here

 Workshop Details:

All workshops will be held in the meeting room at Island Sexual Health 101-3960 Quadra Street

We have space for 12 participants in each session.  space is on the #6 bus route and near the stop for routes #16,17,25,25,26,51, and 76 and is wheelchair accessible.

Workshop Cost: $35 for each workshop. All 3 themes for a discounted rate of $90 in total. We are pleased to offer 2 spaces on sliding scale registration per workshop to University Students/Lower Income participants. Please indicate this when registering.

Registration can be done via telephone 250-592-2479 or in-person at our Quadra Street location during clinic hours.

For more information about the amazing workshop facilitator, Tanille, visit her website

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