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“Island Sexual Health Society”:/ • “Contact us”:/about/contact • 250-592-3479 • 200-1770 Fort Street, Victoria, BC V8R 1J5
“Island Sexual Health Society”:/ • “Contact us”:/about/contact • 250-592-3479 • 200-1770 Fort Street, Victoria, BC V8R 1J5
Jennifer Gibson MA, is the Coordinator of Community Education Services. She is a professional sexual health educator whose knowledge, sense of humour, enthusiasm, and comfort level give her the unique ability to make sexual health education accessible and easy to relate to.
If you have a few minutes, please consider filling out this survey and if comfortable, sharing the link: This survey has been created to explore the potential benefits of implementing the STOP HIV/AIDS program at our clinic and to get a “snap-shot” of the potential barriers and/or motivations around HIV testing. It is completely anonymous…
Contraceptive sponges contain spermicide. They are most effective when you use a “condom”:/birthcontrol/condom/ at the same time.
Used properly, condoms are effective protection against both pregnancy and infections. They are even more effective combined with “spermicide”:/birthcontrol/spermicide/.
Canada’s 11th annual sexual & reproductive health awareness week is coming up February 10th-14th! Heart Your Parts is the nation-wide theme, which emphasizes self-care and overcoming barriers to improving our sexual and reproductive health. You can find out more through the Canadian Federation for Sexual Health’s website: Island Sexual Health and the Camosun College…
Since we relaunched our website in September 2011, we have noticed a large increase in site traffic and have officially passed the 100,000 viewing mark. We want thank all of you who have made this site a success including Sherwin and Becky at Pink Sheep Media for building us such a great site. If there are…
We’ve been having some technical issues with our site and it seems as if our community education page are not visible on the menu bar! So until our IT genius gets this sorted, you can find the info on our community education programs here or you can always use the old school method of calling our educator,…